
We lend you a diverse variety of university degrees with different objectives, duration and modalities. In this way you can choose, according to your needs, those that best suit your interest and time capacity.

All our qualifications are focused from an eminently practical perspective, both face-to-face and online, to complete the entire learning cycle. Below, you can find information about all the university degrees offered by IUNIT.


University Degrees

Our objective is to prepare our students in the professional field, focusing their training on the adoption of new technologies and crucial skills for all economic sectors.

We offer a quality university training proposal with a clearly marked professional perspective. Characterized by a practical, technological and innovative approach in the specialization offered by each of the programs.

New Technologies
Data management
International Business

University Degree in Business Administration and Management (Online)
September 2024
4 years
240 ECTS

The University Degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) Online is designed to incorporate students into a complete business culture so that they can actively participate in the new challenges that all organizations face.

University Degree in Business Administration and Management + Diploma in Digital Entrepreneurship (In-person)
Digital games
September 2024
4 years
240 ECTS

El University Degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) + Diploma in Digital Entrepreneurship (In-person) in Madrid is designed to prepare highly valued professionals in the world of work. Through project-based learning, the IUNIT Business Administration Degree allows the student a complete business immersion from the classroom from which they develop knowledge and skills in an eminently practical way on real cases.