Master's Degree in International, Accounting and Financial Management (Onsite)2025-02-10T11:36:20+01:00
STUDIES / Official Masters / Master's Degree in Management...
Official title: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Master's Degree in International, Accounting and Financial Management Digital games

Official Qualification
Official Qualification
Digital games
9 months
October 2025

The management of financial information in companies and other entities has become essential element within the proper functioning of the so-called market economy: transparency stands as one of the pillars of the system.

On the other hand, compared to the functioning of the so-called real economy, the financial system stands out as a plot of growing importance in the management of company resources.

Lastly, the international context in which Spanish companies currently operate adds a new degree of specialization on the already traditional accounting and financial profile required of the economic and financial managers of said companies.

The traditional profile required of the economic-financial managers of companies has been outdated. Currently, companies operate in an international context, where resource management is increasingly most valued and the management of the different information tools is an essential element within the market economy, transparency being one of the fundamental pillars of the System.

The purpose of this Master's Degree is the knowledge of the different elements that make up the management of finances and financial information itself: reading, interpretation and analysis, thus covering a double area of ​​interest: the economic-financial itinerary in the field of international financial management.

Who is this course for

Graduates in Accounting or Finance, Management and Public Administration, Business Administration and Management, or Law with management experience. Who wish to develop their professional career specializing in Accounting/International Finance, within the framework of multilateral or bilateral relations, and/or in the area of ​​company or public management.

Dossier of the Master's Degree in International, Accounting and Financial Management (Onsite, Madrid)

Name of the Master Plazas Format Price
Master's Degree in International Accounting and Financial Management 40 Digital games


*URJC university fees (link)

The Master is designed to deal with the growing demand of professionals trained in financial markets and products, business direction and management, preparation and interpretation of financial statements, audit management, relations with banks, related to the fields of accounting and international finance.

Using a practical content, but at the same time, maintaining the necessary academic rigor students are provided with postgraduate training that professionally enable in this area of ​​the International Financial Accounting Department.


  • Positions of responsibility in the area of fiscal and tax planning and management of the company, in tax departments and also in professional cabinets, consultancies or public institutions.
  • Controllers.
  • Insolvency administrators.
  • Financial statement analysts.
  • Accounting experts with command of the international framework. The student will be able to design, implement and manage management control systems and accounting information, adapted to the strategy and organizational structure of companies in multinational environments.
  • Business Development Managers in charge of the search for new investment opportunities both in national and international markets.
  • Technical tax advisors of export in international departments of companies.
  • Import-export technician. Technical in foreign trade.
  • Accounts audit, both in independent firms and in internal audit departments of companies.


Module ECTS credits Semester
international economic environment 6 1 º
International accounting 6 1 º
Taxation and international planning 6 1 º
Corporate Social Responsibility in national and international business 3 1 º
English for international management 3 1 º
International trade: risk coverage and means of payment 6 1 º
Management control systems in international markets 6 2 º
European competition law 6 2 º
Cross-border bankruptcy law 6 2 º
External Internships 6 2 º
Master's thesis 6 2 º

Collaborating companies for external internships.



To find out the best option for paying for your studies, you can choose between the different alternatives that best suit your needs.

Special benefits for any modality

Early payment discounts

Check the dates of your program and you will get a 5% discount*

*This discount does not apply to management fees and other academic fees established by the URJC

Payment in installments for face-to-face and semi-face-to-face modality

Payment through monthly installments allows financing the amount of the Master throughout the course. This modality requires a single prior payment as a place reservation.

Payment method:

  • Full-time Master's degree (1 academic year)
    • early booking: €600
    • Dues: 3 to 12 monthly payments from the payment of the advance reservation of place. (The total amount of the master's degree must be paid at the end of the course).

Installment payment

Payment through monthly installments allows financing the amount of the Master throughout the course. This modality requires a single prior payment as a place reservation.

Payment method:

  • Full-time Master's degree (1 academic year)
    • early booking: €600
    • Dues: 3 to 12 monthly payments from the payment of the advance reservation of place. (The total amount of the master's degree must be paid at the end of the course).


To consult all the information about scholarships and grants, click here

The program is subject to the possibility of being financed by ¨Tripartite Foundation. The State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE). You can get more information this article

The steps to follow for the admission process are:

Admission profile

The recommended profile for the new student is one who has basic knowledge of economics, business and law and wants to focus his professional career on private or public entities whose activity is carried out in international settings.

The specific qualifications that will facilitate access to the Master are the following:

  • Degree in Business Administration and Management
  • Degree in Accounting and Finance
  • Degree in law
  • Degree in Management and Public Administration

For the rest of the degrees, the Admission Committee will carry out a personal interview to assess the basic knowledge that allows students to make the most of the master's degree. If the demand exceeds the offer of places, the interview and the written test will be valued at 70% and the CV at 30%.


Applicants must be in possession of an official university degree that entitles them to access postgraduate studies.

The requirements for access to the proposed title are according to article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, modified by Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2:

  • In order to access the official Master's degrees, it will be necessary to be in possession of an official Spanish university degree or another issued by a higher education institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes the same for access to the teachings of Master.
  • Likewise, graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area may access without the need for the homologation of their degrees, after verification by the University that they accredit a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that entitle in the country issuing the degree for access to postgraduate education. Access through this route will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous title held by the interested party, nor its recognition for other purposes than that of studying the Master's degree.
Admission request

Applicants for a Master's Degree will send in digital format to the email or by mail to the Admissions Department the following documentation:

  • Admission request completed (download it here).
  • Data veracity form completed (download it here).
  • Data Protection Form completed (download it here).
  • Passport or National Identity Document or equivalent.
  • College degree that give access to Master's studies or proof of having requested it.
  • Official Academic Certification issued by the Official Center of origin stating the qualifications of the studies carried out by the applicant. Said Certification must expressly state what constitutes the first and second cycle of the corresponding study plan.
  • ART GALLERY passport size, in color.

the applicants with foreign degreeThey must also present the following documentation:

  • Passport Number or Residence Card.
  • Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to a Postgraduate Official in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin.

*In case of having studied in a system outside the European Higher Education Area, the university degree and academic certification must be legalized by Hague Apostille or through diplomatic channels.

Legalization of Foreign Titles

  1. Documents issued by member countries of the European Union or participants in the Agreement on the European Higher Education Area (EEES) will not require any type of legalization.
  2. Documents issued outside the European Union or the European Higher Education Area (EHEA):
    • The Hague Apostille: In accordance with the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, the only formality required for documents from the States party to said Convention is the Apostille stamp placed by the competent authority of the State from which the document emanates and takes effect directly before any authority in Spain.
    • The diplomatic channel: It is the official procedure to be used for the legalization of foreign Civil Registry, notarial and administrative documents issued in countries that are not part of the Hague Convention.

The Hague Convention of October 5, 1961

The Agreement abolishes the requirement of legalization of foreign public documents issued in the signatory countries of said Agreement (BOE. num. 229, of 25.09.1978, num. 248, of 17.10.78 and num. 226, of 20.09.84) . Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Dominica and Saint Kitts and Nevis are signatories to the Convention.

diplomatic legalization

It is used in the rest of the countries that have not signed the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, in the case of Jamaica. In general, the documents to be legalized by this means must be presented before:

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country issuing the documents and then
  • Diplomatic or consular representation of Spain in that country.

Official Spanish Translation

Documents issued abroad must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish. Said translation may be made:

  • for any diplomatic representation or consular of the Spanish State abroad
  • The diplomatic or consular representation in Spain of the country of origin of the applicant or, where appropriate, the country of origin of the document.
  • Sworn translator, authorized or registered in Spain.
Litigation, Arbitration

Upon receipt of the documentation, from IUNIT, we will contact the student to communicate their acceptance and the steps they must take to complete the registration and enrollment. The admissions department will communicate the acceptance to the interested party within a period not exceeding 5 days.

Registration and registration

Once the admission to the program has been communicated, the student must pay the registration fee according to the chosen option. Likewise, from the communication of said admission, the candidate will have a period of 7 days to formalize the registration fees and the reservation of the place.


1 academic year.

Number of credits

60 ECTS (48 ECTS compulsory subjects, 6 ECTS external practices and 6 ECTS Final Master's Project).

Type of teaching and places offered

Face-to-face 40 places.


Full-time 60 ECTS / year for one year, or part-time 30 ECTS / year for two years.


100 hours of professional curricular internships with companies with an agreement corresponding to 6 ECTS. There is the possibility of extension to extracurricular practices. External practices are face-to-face.



Training complement

Does not have.


More Information

Knowledge Branch

Social and Legal Sciences.

Collaborating Companies
Minimum and Maximum number of ECTS credits by type of enrollment and course

Full-time: 48 ECTS minimum and 60 ECTS maximum.
Part-time: 6 ECTS minimum and 47 ECTS maximum.


Own scholarships.
The Center for Higher Education in Business, Innovation and Technology offers a series of scholarships that are between 5% and 25% of the cost of the program. To access these, a motivation letter and updated Curriculum Vitae must be sent to

MEC Scholarship, Scholarship for Higher Technicians (Pending Call)
Carolina Foundation Scholarship

Learning Resources

It has 7 spacious and bright classrooms and two seminars. They have internet connection as well as Wi-Fi, projector, connection to virtual classrooms and blackboard. The center considers the intensive use of ICT as a central and transversal component of the learning process, so it has a computer infrastructure according to these needs. Access to the reprography room, library and bibliographic resource center is provided. As well as the sports facilities and library of the URJC.

Academic Staff
Academic Calendar

This Master in distance mode takes place from Monday to Friday in the morning.
More information.

Regulations for enrollment and permanence in the master's degree
Title Guarantee System
Recognition and Transfer of Credits
Title Guarantee

1. Internal Quality Assurance System.
2. Those responsible for the SAIC.
3. External Verification Reports.
4. Title memory.
7. External monitoring and accreditation reports.

Main Results of the Title
  • "Once the Master's monitoring has been carried out, the most relevant quantitative information on the results obtained in the monitoring of said Degree is shown, differentiated by academic year."
  • Course report.
Satisfaction surveys


Within the IUNIT quality assurance system, the following surveys are planned to be carried out:

  • Teacher Assessment.
  • Degree of satisfaction:

Of students with teaching and TFM.
Of the students with the title.
From the teaching staff.
From the Administration and Services Staff.
Of the graduates.
Job insertion.

  • External Practices:

Internship student satisfaction.
Satisfaction of the company's external tutor.

Suggestions mailbox


Improvement plans
  • The IUNIT Quality Assurance System establishes that annually the Quality Assurance Commission of the degree will analyze the information derived from the degree indicators and prepare a report that will include improvement plans, if necessary after analyzing the results.
Request information and scholarship



Alfonso Rodríguez Santamaría Street 19.
28002 Madrid, Spain

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