Master's Degree in Digital Business Online
The Master's Degree in Digital Business will provide students with the strategic keys to understand, manage and lead digital change in organizations.
Through this Master the student will learn to:
- Determine the new digital technologies that impact or will impact the business, as well as their easements and their potential application in organizations.
- Develop a Digital Strategy that allows to enhance the competitive advantages of an organization, and preserve them in the future.
- Manage the necessary tools to successfully adapt the structures and processes of organizations, take advantage of digital opportunities and reduce underlying threats.
- Choose, at all times, new products/services and markets accessible through digital technologies.
- Propose goals within Strategic Plans in the short and medium term for a better use of digital technologies.
- Support the transformation process and the development of new capabilities required to accompany said digital change in organizations.
Online mode
The program will be developed in online mode, with the possibility of following the training at any time from any device,. In other words, the student has at his disposal an omnichannel and flexible education, being able to Interact with the teacher and peers an effective form.
Who is this course for
Professionals with experience in the areas of Marketing, market research, Business Studies, Business Administration and Management, Economics, Advertising, Public Relations, and also professional profiles related to the Engineering, product development, industrial design, computer science or telecommunications, who wish to develop their career leading the digital transformation or digitization of companies, or start or grow their own digital projects.
Name of the Master | Plazas | Format | Price |
Master's Degree in Digital Business | 100 | Online |
*URJC university fees (link) |

The conjunction of knowledge acquired in the Master will allow the graduate to have a versatile professional profile that is highly demanded by the business world, being able to occupy a wide spectrum of professional positions:
- Start-up founder
- Financial Analyst for Digital Companies and Startups
- crowdfunding designer
- Digital Business Development Director
- Digital Sales Manager
- App Marketing Manager
- eCommerce Manager
- Digital Marketing Manager
- Digital Campaign Manager
- Head of Media
- Social Media & Content Manager
- Marketing and Digital Communication Consultant
- Commercial Digital Content Manager
- Digital Markets Analyst
- Expert in SEO Web Positioning
Within this context, they will be able to add value as qualified professionals in companies that carry out their activity in the digital field and specialized in eCommerce activities and in areas such as: Business Management and Administration and Strategy and Business Management.
Module | Character | ECTS credits | Semester |
Digital technology and society | OB | 3 | 1 º |
Digital Impact in the Business World | OB | 3 | 1 º |
Regulation and New Legal Framework | OB | 3 | 1 º |
Cybersecurity | OB | 3 | 1 º |
Digital Marketing & Social Media | OB | 6 | 1 º |
Mobile & Internet of Things (IoT) | OB | 3 | 1 º |
Project management | OB | 3 | 1 º |
Big Data & Analytics | OB | 6 | 1 º |
eCommerce | OB | 6 | 2 º |
HR Management | OB | 3 | 2 º |
Management and Directive Skills | OB | 3 | 2 º |
The Digital Strategic Plan | OB | 6 | 2 º |
External Internships | PE | 6 | 2 º |
Master's thesis | TFM | 6 | 2 º |
Collaborating companies for external internships.
To find out the best option for paying for your studies, you can choose between the different alternatives that best suit your needs.
Early payment discounts
Check the dates of your program and you will get a 5% discount*
*This discount does not apply to management fees and other academic fees established by the URJC
Installment payment
Payment through monthly installments allows financing the amount of the Master throughout the course. This modality requires a single prior payment as a place reservation.
Payment method:
- Full-time Master's degree (1 academic year)
- early booking: €600
- Dues: 3 to 12 monthly payments from the payment of the advance reservation of place. (The total amount of the master's degree must be paid at the end of the course).
Payment in installments for distance modality (Online)
Payment through monthly installments allows financing the amount of the Master throughout the course. This modality requires a single prior payment as a place reservation.
Payment method:
- Full-time Master's degree (1 academic year)
- early booking: €600
- Dues: 3 to 12 monthly payments from the payment of the advance reservation of place. (The total amount of the master's degree must be paid at the end of the course).
To consult all the information about scholarships and grants, click here
The program is subject to the possibility of being financed by ¨Tripartite Foundation. The State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE). You can get more information this article
The steps to follow for the admission process are:
The preferred entry profile for the Master's Degree in Digital Businesses (Master in Digital Businesses) is the graduate of bachelor's, diploma or undergraduate degrees related to business administration and management or the digital economy to train high-level professionals who can lead digital transformation in organizations and companies. This program is aimed at graduates or university graduates who wish to specialize in the operation of business management and the many fields that it covers through ICTs and the digital economy.
Therefore, you must be a student who shows interest in business digital transformation processes. In general, it is aimed at students whose study plan includes basic training in Business Management and Administration and, therefore, it will be especially aimed at:
- Graduates in the branch of knowledge of Legal and Social Sciences and who have completed their university degree directly related to the Management and Administration of companies, such as the following or others assimilable:
- business Studies
- Business Management
- Economic Sciences
- Marketing
- Advertising and public relations
• Graduates in the field of Engineering and Architecture, with specific training in the field of economics and business, such as Civil Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Industrial Organization Engineering, etc.
• Other Graduates who have completed official postgraduate programs that include the fundamentals of Business Management and Management, such as MBA, PDG, etc.
Those other university graduates, graduates or graduate students who do not belong to any of the previous qualifications and do not accredit in their file the required prior knowledge, must take a series of training supplements (see section on training supplements), in addition to Master's subjects.
Applicants must be in possession of an official university degree that entitles them to access postgraduate studies.
The requirements for access to the proposed title are according to article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, modified by Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2:
- In order to access the official Master's degrees, it will be necessary to be in possession of an official Spanish university degree or another issued by a higher education institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes the same for access to the teachings of Master.
- Likewise, graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area may access the programme without the need for their qualifications to be recognised, provided that the University has verified that they certify a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university qualifications and that they entitle the applicant to access postgraduate studies in the country that issued the qualification. Access via this route will not, under any circumstances, imply the recognition of the applicant's previous qualification, nor its recognition for any purpose other than to undertake Master's studies. The qualification will be required to have the Hague Apostille and, on the other hand, a letter of access issued by the student's university of origin will be requested, certifying that the qualification held by the student gives him/her access to a master's or postgraduate degree in his/her country of origin.
- Students whose native language is NOT Spanish and who wish to take a Master's Degree taught in Spanish will need to provide documentary evidence of their level of Spanish, both spoken and written, and must therefore provide, along with all the documentation required for admission, a Spanish Language Certificate B2 – DELE Intermediate or equivalent. If they do not have this certification, the Master's Management may request that they pass a spoken and written level test.
Applicants for a Master's Degree will send in digital format to the email admission@iunit.edu.es or by mail to the Admissions Department the following documentation:
- Admission request completed (download it here).
- Data veracity form completed (download it here).
- Data Protection Form completed (download it here).
- Passport or National Identity Document or equivalent.
- College degree that give access to Master's studies or proof of having requested it.
- ART GALLERY passport size, in color.
the applicants with foreign degreeThey must also present the following documentation:
- Passport Number or Residence Card.
- Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to a Postgraduate Official in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin.
*In case of having studied in a system outside the European Higher Education Area, the university degree and academic certification must be legalized by Hague Apostille or through diplomatic channels.
Legalization of Foreign Titles
- Documents issued by member countries of the European Union or participants in the Agreement on the European Higher Education Area (EEES) will not require any type of legalization.
- Documents issued outside the European Union or the European Higher Education Area (EHEA):
- The Hague Apostille: In accordance with the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, the only formality required for documents from the States party to said Convention is the Apostille stamp placed by the competent authority of the State from which the document emanates and takes effect directly before any authority in Spain.
- The diplomatic channel: It is the official procedure to be used for the legalization of foreign Civil Registry, notarial and administrative documents issued in countries that are not part of the Hague Convention.
The Hague Convention of October 5, 1961
The Agreement abolishes the requirement of legalization of foreign public documents issued in the signatory countries of said Agreement (BOE. num. 229, of 25.09.1978, num. 248, of 17.10.78 and num. 226, of 20.09.84) . Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Dominica and Saint Kitts and Nevis are signatories to the Convention.
diplomatic legalization
It is used in the rest of the countries that have not signed the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, in the case of Jamaica. In general, the documents to be legalized by this means must be presented before:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country issuing the documents and then
- Diplomatic or consular representation of Spain in that country.
Official Spanish Translation
Documents issued abroad must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish. Said translation may be made:
- for any diplomatic representation or consular of the Spanish State abroad
- The diplomatic or consular representation in Spain of the country of origin of the applicant or, where appropriate, the country of origin of the document.
- Sworn translator, authorized or registered in Spain.
Upon receipt of the documentation, from IUNIT, we will contact the student to communicate their acceptance and the steps they must take to complete the registration and enrollment. The admissions department will communicate the acceptance to the interested party within a period not exceeding 5 days.
Once the admission to the program has been communicated, the student must pay the registration fee according to the chosen option. Likewise, from the communication of said admission, the candidate will have a period of 7 days to formalize the registration fees and the reservation of the place.
1 academic year.
60 ECTS (48 ECTS compulsory subjects, 6 ECTS external practices and 6 ECTS Final Master's Project).
Remotely (Online). 100 seats (2 groups).
Full-time 60 ECTS / year for one year, or part-time 30 ECTS / year for two years.
140 hours of professional curricular internships with companies with an agreement corresponding to 6 ECTS. There is the possibility of extension to extracurricular practices. External practices are face-to-face.
Those students who do not have the required degree or prove the required prior knowledge must take a series of additional training.
More information.
More information.
Social and Legal Sciences.
Full-time: 30 ECTS minimum and 60 ECTS maximum.
Part-time: 6 ECTS minimum and 30 ECTS maximum.
Own scholarships.
The Center for Higher Education in Business, Innovation and Technology offers a series of scholarships that are between 5% and 25% of the cost of the program. To access these, a motivation letter and updated Curriculum Vitae must be sent to admision@iunit.edu.es.
MEC Scholarship, Scholarship for Higher Technicians (Pending Call)
Carolina Foundation Scholarship
Carolina Zamora
Jesus Hernandez
Lisardo de Pedro
Pablo Martín
Eduardo Correa
Juan Luis Gonzalez
Mencia de Garcillán
Cristina Gallego
Angel Moreno
Daniel García
This Master in online mode takes place from Monday to Friday in the morning.
1. Internal Quality Assurance System:
- Manual of the Internal Quality Assurance System of the URJC.
- IUNIT Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) Manual.
2. SAIC officials.
3. External Verification and Modification Reports.
4. Title Verified Memory.
7. External monitoring and accreditation reports:
Renewal of the degree
The renewal of the accreditation represents the culmination of the implementation process of the official Bachelor's and Master's degrees registered in the Registry of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT). The renewal of the accreditation of official bachelor's and master's degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit and final evaluation.
In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the status of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment Report (IA) that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of evaluators external to the evaluated title.
- "Once the Master's monitoring has been carried out, the most relevant quantitative information on the results obtained in the monitoring of said Degree is shown, differentiated by academic year."
- Course report:
-Monitoring report 2022/2023.
Within the IUNIT quality assurance system, the following surveys are planned to be carried out:
- Teacher Assessment.
- Degree of satisfaction:
Of students with teaching and TFM.
Of the students with the title.
From the teaching staff.
From the Administration and Services Staff.
Of the graduates.
Job insertion.
- External Practices:
Internship student satisfaction.
Satisfaction of the company's external tutor.
Results of the surveys carried out.
- The IUNIT Quality Assurance System establishes that annually the Quality Assurance Commission of the degree will analyze the information derived from the degree indicators and prepare a report that will include improvement plans, if necessary after analyzing the results.
- Improvement actions 2022/2023.
Alfonso Rodríguez Santamaría Street 19.
28002 Madrid, Spain